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US strikes Iranian facilities in Syria: Pentagon chief

2024-06-28 11:15:31 [百科] 来源:避面尹邢网

US forces conducted precision strikes Thursday against two facilities used by Iran in eastern Syria, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement.

Austin said the strikes targeted two facilities used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated groups and were carried out at President Joe Biden's direction.

US strikes Iranian facilities in Syria: Pentagon chief

The strikes were "self-defense" in nature, Austin said, and were meant to retaliate "a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against US personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17."

US strikes Iranian facilities in Syria: Pentagon chief

Due to attacks against US forces, "one US citizen contractor died from a cardiac incident while sheltering in place; 21 US personnel suffered from minor injuries, but all have since returned to duty," he said.

US strikes Iranian facilities in Syria: Pentagon chief

