当前位置:首页 >百科 >Harbor客户端工具,命令行对Harbor进行管理 精简了部分复杂功能

Harbor客户端工具,命令行对Harbor进行管理 精简了部分复杂功能

2024-06-30 21:01:05 [百科] 来源:避面尹邢网


作者:键客李大白 开发 开发工具 在harborclient/v2/shell.py​中注册新的端工对子命令,注意在shell.py​中所有的具命r进do_xx方法都会对应一条子命令。


项目地址: https://github.com/int32bit/harborclient


Harbor客户端工具,命令行对Harbor进行管理 精简了部分复杂功能

  • harborclient参考了OpenStack命令行工具的优秀架构和设计模式,使用也和OpenStack命令行非常类似。行管
  • harborclient通过子命令划分不同的客户功能,并且所有功能是端工对可扩展的,增加功能只需要在client下增加do_xxx方法即可。具命r进主模块会自动发现并注册子命令。令行理
  • 相比OpenStack的行管命令行工具,精简了部分复杂功能,重新设计了大多数接口,暴露的API更直观和易用。
  • 支持DEBUG模式查看Harbor API调用过程,便于调试追踪。
  • 支持timings选项,能够报告API请求响应时间,便于测试Harbor API性能。
  • 支持https。


2.1 镜像拉取/制作

harborclient托管在docker hub中,可以直接拉取已经构建的镜像到本地:

Harbor客户端工具,命令行对Harbor进行管理 精简了部分复杂功能

$ docker pull krystism/harborclient

docker hub中的镜像不一定是最新的,建议从源码中build镜像,在项目根下运行:

Harbor客户端工具,命令行对Harbor进行管理 精简了部分复杂功能

$ git clone https://github.com/int32bit/harborclient$ docker build -t yourname/harborclient .

2.2 启动容器

$ docker run -itd \ -e HARBOR_URL="" \ -e HARBOR_USERNAME="admin" \ -e HARBOR_PASSWORD="Harbor12345" \ -e HARBOR_PROJECT=1 \ --rm krystism/harborclient+---------+----------+----------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+| user_id | username | is_admin |        email         |   realname   |    comment    |+---------+----------+----------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+|    1    |  admin   |    1     |  admin@example.com   | system admin |   admin user  ||    11   | int32bit |    0     | int32bit@example.com |   int32bit   | for int32bit  |+---------+----------+----------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+

HARBOR_URL:  指定Harbor地址;


HARBOR_PASSWORD: 指定Harbor用户密码;


2.3 设置命令自动补全


$ sudo yum install  -y bash-completion$ complete -W $(harbor bash-completion) harbor



3.1 子命令集参数说明

  • 子命令


get-conf: 查看harbor信息;

info:  查看harbor信息;



  • 参数

--debug: 详细打印调用的harbor API以及参数,并显示response信息;

--timings: 参数将打印命令执行时调用的所有API列表并报告响应时间;

--timeout: 参数可以设置允许的最长响应时间(单位: 秒),支持浮点数,超过这个时间未响应将导致请求超时异常;

3.2 使用https

harborclient支持https,对应使用https的Harbor可以通过--os-cacert选项指定CA证书,也可以通过--insecure跳过认证校验,相当于curl -k命令。

$ harbor list   #使用https的harbor会出现该报错CommandError: Unable to authorize user 'admin': Certificate verify failed, please use '--os-cacert' option to specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate or use '--insecure' option to explicitly allow client to perform insecure TLS (https) requests.$ harbor --insecure list+-----------------------+------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------------------+|          name         | project_id |    size   | tags_count | star_count | pull_count |     update_time      |+-----------------------+------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------------------+|    int32bit/busybox   |     2      |   715181  |     1      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T07:06:36Z ||    int32bit/golang    |     2      | 257883053 |     2      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T12:59:05Z || int32bit/golang:1.7.3 |     2      | 257883053 |     2      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T12:59:05Z ||  int32bit/hello-world |     2      |    974    |     1      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T13:22:46Z |+-----------------------+------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------------------+

3.3 使用案例

(1) 创建用户

$ harbor --insecure user-create \ --username lidabai \ --password lidabai666 \ --email lidabai@example.com \ --realname newuser \ --comment "I am a new user"Create user 'lidabai' successfully.    #提升创建成功

--username: 指定要创建的用户名(必须);

--password: 指定创建用户的用户密码(必须);



(2) 删除用户

$ harbor --insecure user-delete new-userDelete user 'new-user' sucessfully.List repositories and images

(3) 查看镜像列表

$ harbor  list+-----------------------+------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------------------+|          name         | project_id |    size   | tags_count | star_count | pull_count |     update_time      |+-----------------------+------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------------------+|    int32bit/busybox   |     2      |   715181  |     1      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T07:06:36Z || int32bit/golang:1.7.3 |     2      | 257883053 |     2      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T12:59:05Z ||  int32bit/hello-world |     2      |    974    |     1      |     0      |     0      | 2017-11-01T13:22:46Z |+-----------------------+------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------------------+

(4) 查看镜像详细信息

$ harbor show int32bit/golang:1.7.3+--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Property           | Value                                                                   |+--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+| creation_time      | 2017-11-01T12:59:05Z                                                    || description        |                                                                         || id                 | 2                                                                       || name               | int32bit/golang                                                         || project_id         | 2                                                                       || pull_count         | 0                                                                       || star_count         | 0                                                                       || tag_architecture   | amd64                                                                   || tag_author         |                                                                         || tag_created        | 2016-11-08T19:32:39.908048617Z                                          || tag_digest         | sha256:37d263ccd240e113a752c46306ad004e36532ce118eb3131d9f76f43cc606d5d || tag_docker_version | 1.12.3                                                                  || tag_name           | 1.7.3                                                                   || tag_os             | linux                                                                   || tag_signature      | -                                                                       || tags_count         | 2                                                                       || update_time        | 2017-11-01T12:59:05Z                                                    |+--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

(5) 查看最热门镜像

$ harbor top+----------------------+------------+------------+|         name         | pull_count | star_count |+----------------------+------------+------------+|   int32bit/busybox   |     10     |     0      ||   int32bit/golang    |     8      |     0      || int32bit/hello-world |     1      |     0      |+----------------------+------------+------------+

(6) 查看用户角色

$ harbor member-list+----------+--------------+---------+---------+| username |  role_name   | user_id | role_id |+----------+--------------+---------+---------+|  admin   | projectAdmin |    1    |    1    ||   foo    |  developer   |    5    |    2    ||   test   |    guest     |    6    |    3    |+----------+--------------+---------+---------+

(7) 查看日志

$ harbor logs+--------+----------------------+----------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------+| log_id |       op_time        | username | project_id | operation |          repository         |+--------+----------------------+----------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------+|   1    | 2017-11-01T06:56:07Z |  admin   |     2      |   create  |          int32bit/          ||   2    | 2017-11-01T07:06:36Z |  admin   |     2      |    push   |   int32bit/busybox:latest   ||   3    | 2017-11-01T12:59:05Z |  admin   |     2      |    push   |    int32bit/golang:1.7.3    ||   4    | 2017-11-01T13:22:46Z |  admin   |     2      |    push   | int32bit/hello-world:latest ||   5    | 2017-11-01T14:21:49Z |  admin   |     2      |    push   |    int32bit/golang:latest   ||   6    | 2017-11-03T20:39:04Z |  admin   |     3      |   create  |            test/            ||   7    | 2017-11-03T20:39:22Z |  admin   |     3      |   delete  |            test/            ||   8    | 2017-11-03T20:39:38Z |  admin   |     4      |   create  |            test/            ||   9    | 2017-11-03T20:49:33Z |  admin   |     4      |   delete  |            test/            |+--------+----------------------+----------+------------+-----------+-----------------------------+

(8) 搜索

$ harbor search int32bitFind 1 Projects:+------------+----------+--------+------------+----------------------+| project_id |   name   | public | repo_count |    creation_time     |+------------+----------+--------+------------+----------------------+|     2      | int32bit |   1    |     3      | 2017-11-01T06:56:07Z |+------------+----------+--------+------------+----------------------+Find 3 Repositories:+----------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+|   repository_name    | project_name | project_id | project_public |+----------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+|   int32bit/busybox   |   int32bit   |     2      |       1        ||   int32bit/golang    |   int32bit   |     2      |       1        || int32bit/hello-world |   int32bit   |     2      |       1        |+----------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+

(9) 查看复制目标

$ harbor target-list+----+----------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------------------+| id |         name         |               endpoint              | username | password |    creation_time     |+----+----------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------------------+| 1  |     test-target      |     |  admin   |    -     | 2017-11-02T01:35:30Z || 2  |    test-target-2     |     |  admin   |    -     | 2017-11-02T13:43:07Z || 3  | int32bit-test-target | |  admin   |    -     | 2017-11-02T14:28:54Z |+----+----------------------+-------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------------------+

(10) ping复制目标仓库


$ harbor target-ping 1OK

(11) 查看复制任务

$ harbor job-list 1+----+----------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------+| id |      repository      | operation |  status  |     update_time      |+----+----------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------+| 1  |   int32bit/busybox   |  transfer | finished | 2017-11-02T01:35:31Z || 2  |   int32bit/golang    |  transfer | finished | 2017-11-02T01:35:31Z || 3  | int32bit/hello-world |  transfer | finished | 2017-11-02T01:35:31Z |+----+----------------------+-----------+----------+----------------------+

(12) 查看复制任务日志

$ harbor job-log  12017-11-02T01:35:30Z [INFO] initializing: repository: int32bit/busybox, tags: [], source URL: http://registry:5000, destination URL:, insecure: false, destination user: admin2017-11-02T01:35:30Z [INFO] initialization completed: project: int32bit, repository: int32bit/busybox, tags: [latest], source URL: http://registry:5000, destination URL:, insecure: false, destination user: admin2017-11-02T01:35:30Z [WARNING] the status code is 409 when creating project int32bit on with user admin, try to do next step2017-11-02T01:35:30Z [INFO] manifest of int32bit/busybox:latest pulled successfully from http://registry:5000: sha256:030fcb92e1487b18c974784dcc110a93147c9fc402188370fbfd17efabffc6af2017-11-02T01:35:30Z [INFO] all blobs of int32bit/busybox:latest from http://registry:5000: [sha256:54511612f1c4d97e93430fc3d5dc2f05dfbe8fb7e6259b7351deeca95eaf2971 sha256:03b1be98f3f9b05cb57782a3a71a44aaf6ec695de5f4f8e6c1058cd42f04953e]2017-11-02T01:35:31Z [INFO] blob sha256:54511612f1c4d97e93430fc3d5dc2f05dfbe8fb7e6259b7351deeca95eaf2971 of int32bit/busybox:latest already exists in [INFO] blob sha256:03b1be98f3f9b05cb57782a3a71a44aaf6ec695de5f4f8e6c1058cd42f04953e of int32bit/busybox:latest already exists in [INFO] blobs of int32bit/busybox:latest need to be transferred to []2017-11-02T01:35:31Z [INFO] manifest of int32bit/busybox:latest exists on source registry http://registry:5000, continue manifest pushing2017-11-02T01:35:31Z [INFO] manifest of int32bit/busybox:latest exists on destination registry, skip manifest pushing2017-11-02T01:35:31Z [INFO] no tag needs to be replicated, next state is "finished"

(13) 查看资源统计

$ harbor usage+-----------------------+-------+| Property              | Value |+-----------------------+-------+| private_project_count | 0     || private_repo_count    | 0     || public_project_count  | 2     || public_repo_count     | 3     || total_project_count   | 2     || total_repo_count      | 3     |+-----------------------+-------+

(14) 修改用户密码

$ harbor change-password lidabaiOld password: *****    #输入旧密码New Password: *****    #输入新密码Retype new Password: *****    #再次输出新密码Update password successfully.

(15) 设置用户为管理员

$ harbor promote int32bitPromote user 'int32bit' as administrator successfully.

3.4 增加自定义子命令


from harborclient import baseclass TestManager(base.Manager):    def echo(self, message):        return message


... # 省略其它importfrom harborclient.v2 import testsclass Client(object):    def __init__(self,                 username=None,                 password=None,                 project=None,                 baseurl=None,                 insecure=False,                 cacert=None,                 api_version=None,                 *argv,                 **kwargs):        ... # 省略其它Manager        self.tests = tests.TestManager(self)


do_a_b_c => a-b-c比如:do_user_list => user-listdo_project_show => project-show


@utils.arg(    '--message',    metavar='<message>',    dest='message',    required=True,    help='The message to print.')def do_echo(cs, args):    """Print a message."""    message = cs.tests.echo(args.message)    print(message)


$ harbor  help echousage: harbor echo --message <message>Print a message.Optional arguments:  --message <message>  The message to print.
责任编辑:武晓燕 来源: Harbor进阶实战 Harbor客户端工具

