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Go 语言高级网络编程 并附有详细的高级注释

2024-06-28 16:16:00 [百科] 来源:避面尹邢网

Go 语言高级网络编程

作者:Slagga 开发 后端 Go(Golang)中的高级网络编程具有易用性、强大性和乐趣。网络本指南深入探讨了网络编程的编程复杂性,涵盖了协议、高级TCP/UDP 套接字、网络并发等方面的编程内容,并附有详细的高级注释。


Go(Golang)中的编程网络编程具有易用性、强大性和乐趣。高级本指南深入探讨了网络编程的网络复杂性,涵盖了协议、编程TCP/UDP 套接字、高级并发等方面的网络内容,并附有详细的编程注释。

Go 语言高级网络编程 并附有详细的高级注释


1. 网络协议

  • TCP(传输控制协议):确保可靠的数据传输。
  • UDP(用户数据报协议):更快,但不保证数据传递。

2. 套接字

  • TCP 套接字:用于面向连接的通信。
  • UDP 套接字:用于无连接通信。

3. 并发

  • Goroutines(协程):允许在代码中实现并行处理。
  • Channels(通道):用于协程之间的通信。


示例 1:TCP 服务器和客户端

TCP 服务器和客户端示例演示了TCP通信的基础。

Go 语言高级网络编程 并附有详细的高级注释


Go 语言高级网络编程 并附有详细的高级注释

package mainimport ( "net" "fmt")func main() {  // Listen on TCP port 8080 on all available unicast and // any unicast IP addresses. listen, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080") if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } defer listen.Close() // Infinite loop to handle incoming connections for {   conn, err := listen.Accept()  if err != nil {    fmt.Println(err)   continue  }  // Launch a new goroutine to handle the connection  go handleConnection(conn) }}func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {  defer conn.Close() buffer := make([]byte, 1024) // Read the incoming connection into the buffer. _, err := conn.Read(buffer) if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } // Send a response back to the client. conn.Write([]byte("Received: " + string(buffer)))}


package mainimport ( "net" "fmt")func main() {  // Connect to the server at localhost on port 8080. conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:8080") if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } defer conn.Close() // Send a message to the server. conn.Write([]byte("Hello, server!")) buffer := make([]byte, 1024) // Read the response from the server. conn.Read(buffer) fmt.Println(string(buffer))}


示例 2:UDP 服务器和客户端



package mainimport ( "net" "fmt")func main() {  // Listen for incoming UDP packets on port 8080. conn, err := net.ListenPacket("udp", ":8080") if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } defer conn.Close() buffer := make([]byte, 1024) // Read the incoming packet data into the buffer. n, addr, err := conn.ReadFrom(buffer) if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } fmt.Println("Received: ", string(buffer[:n])) // Write a response to the client's address. conn.WriteTo([]byte("Message received!"), addr)}


package mainimport ( "net" "fmt")func main() {  // Resolve the server's address. addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", "localhost:8080") if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } // Dial a connection to the resolved address. conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr) if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } defer conn.Close() // Write a message to the server. conn.Write([]byte("Hello, server!")) buffer := make([]byte, 1024) // Read the response from the server. conn.Read(buffer) fmt.Println(string(buffer))}


示例 3:并发 TCP 服务器


package mainimport ( "net" "fmt")func main() {  // Listen on TCP port 8080. listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080") if err != nil {   fmt.Println(err)  return } defer listener.Close() for {   // Accept a connection.  conn, err := listener.Accept()  if err != nil {    fmt.Println(err)   continue  }  // Handle the connection in a new goroutine.  go handleConnection(conn) }}func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {  defer conn.Close() buffer := make([]byte, 1024) // Read the incoming connection. conn.Read(buffer) fmt.Println("Received:", string(buffer)) // Respond to the client. conn.Write([]byte("Message received!"))}

通过为每个连接使用新的 goroutine,多个客户端可以同时连接。

示例 4:带有 Gorilla Mux 的 HTTP 服务器

Gorilla Mux 库简化了 HTTP 请求路由。

package mainimport ( "fmt" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "net/http")func main() {  // Create a new router. r := mux.NewRouter() // Register a handler function for the root path. r.HandleFunc("/", homeHandler) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)}func homeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {  // Respond with a welcome message. fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome to Home!")}

这段代码设置了一个 HTTP 服务器,并为根路径定义了一个处理函数。

示例 5:HTTPS 服务器

实现 HTTPS 服务器可以确保安全通信。

package mainimport ( "net/http" "log")func main() {  http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {   // Respond with a message.  w.Write([]byte("Hello, this is an HTTPS server!")) }) // Use the cert.pem and key.pem files to secure the server. log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(":8080", "cert.pem", "key.pem", nil))}

服务器使用 TLS(传输层安全性)来加密通信。

示例 6:自定义 TCP 协议

可以使用自定义的 TCP 协议进行专门的通信。

package mainimport ( "net" "strings")func main() {  // Listen on TCP port 8080. listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080") if err != nil {   panic(err) } defer listener.Close() for {   // Accept a connection.  conn, err := listener.Accept()  if err != nil {    panic(err)  }  // Handle the connection in a new goroutine.  go handleConnection(conn) }}func handleConnection(conn net.Conn) {  defer conn.Close() buffer := make([]byte, 1024) // Read the incoming connection. conn.Read(buffer) // Process custom protocol command. cmd := strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer)) if cmd == "TIME" {   conn.Write([]byte("The current time is: " + time.Now().String())) } else {   conn.Write([]byte("Unknown command")) }}


示例 7:使用 Gorilla WebSocket 进行 WebSockets

WebSockets 提供了通过单一连接的实时全双工通信。

package mainimport ( "github.com/gorilla/websocket" "net/http")var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{  ReadBufferSize:  1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024,}func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {  conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil {   http.Error(w, "Could not open websocket connection", http.StatusBadRequest)  return } defer conn.Close() for {   messageType, p, err := conn.ReadMessage()  if err != nil {    return  }  // Echo the message back to the client.  conn.WriteMessage(messageType, p) }}func main() {  http.HandleFunc("/", handler) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)}

WebSocket 服务器会将消息回传给客户端。

示例 8:连接超时

可以使用 context 包来管理连接超时。

package mainimport ( "context" "fmt" "net" "time")func main() {  // Create a context with a timeout of 2 seconds ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() // Dialer using the context dialer := net.Dialer{ } conn, err := dialer.DialContext(ctx, "tcp", "localhost:8080") if err != nil {   panic(err) } buffer := make([]byte, 1024) _, err = conn.Read(buffer) if err == nil {   fmt.Println("Received:", string(buffer)) } else {   fmt.Println("Connection error:", err) }}


示例 9:使用 golang.org/x/time/rate 进行速率限制


package mainimport ( "golang.org/x/time/rate" "net/http" "time")// Define a rate limiter allowing two requests per second with a burst capacity of five.var limiter = rate.NewLimiter(2, 5)func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {  // Check if request is allowed by the rate limiter. if !limiter.Allow() {   http.Error(w, "Too Many Requests", http.StatusTooManyRequests)  return } w.Write([]byte("Welcome!"))}func main() {  http.HandleFunc("/", handler) http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)}


责任编辑:赵宁宁 来源: 技术的游戏 Go编程

