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十种 JavaScript 设计模式 但并未针对 JavaScript 进行优化

2024-06-28 10:44:24 [百科] 来源:避面尹邢网

十种 JavaScript 设计模式

作者:佚名 开发 前端 设计模式是设式针对常见软件问题的高级面向对象解决方案。模式是计模关于对象的可重用设计和交互。在讨论复杂的设式设计解决方案时,每个模式都有一个名称并成为词汇表的计模一部分。



在本教程中,设式我为每个 GoF 模式提供了 JavaScript 示例。计模大多数情况下,设式它们遵循原始图案设计的计模结构和意图。这些示例演示了每种模式背后的设式原则,但并未针对 JavaScript 进行优化。计模

十种 JavaScript 设计模式 但并未针对 JavaScript 进行优化

01.Abstract Factory 

Abstract Factory创建由共同主题相关的设式对象。在面向对象编程中,工厂是创建其他对象的对象。抽象工厂抽象出新创建的对象共享的主题。

十种 JavaScript 设计模式 但并未针对 JavaScript 进行优化


十种 JavaScript 设计模式 但并未针对 JavaScript 进行优化

function Employee(name) {     this.name = name;    this.say = function () {         console.log("I am employee " + name);    };}function EmployeeFactory() {     this.create = function (name) {         return new Employee(name);    };}function Vendor(name) {     this.name = name;    this.say = function () {         console.log("I am vendor " + name);    };}function VendorFactory() {     this.create = function (name) {         return new Vendor(name);    };}function run() {     var persons = [];    var employeeFactory = new EmployeeFactory();    var vendorFactory = new VendorFactory();    persons.push(employeeFactory.create("Joan DiSilva"));    persons.push(employeeFactory.create("Tim O'Neill"));    persons.push(vendorFactory.create("Gerald Watson"));    persons.push(vendorFactory.create("Nicole McNight"));    for (var i = 0, len = persons.length; i < len; i++) {         persons[i].say();    }}


Builder 模式允许客户端仅通过指定类型和内容来构建复杂对象,细节完全对客户隐藏。


function Shop() {     this.construct = function (builder) {         builder.step1();        builder.step2();        return builder.get();    }}function CarBuilder() {     this.car = null;    this.step1 = function () {         this.car = new Car();    };    this.step2 = function () {         this.car.addParts();    };    this.get = function () {         return this.car;    };}function TruckBuilder() {     this.truck = null;    this.step1 = function () {         this.truck = new Truck();    };    this.step2 = function () {         this.truck.addParts();    };    this.get = function () {         return this.truck;    };}function Car() {     this.doors = 0;    this.addParts = function () {         this.doors = 4;    };    this.say = function () {         console.log("I am a " + this.doors + "-door car");    };}function Truck() {     this.doors = 0;    this.addParts = function () {         this.doors = 2;    };    this.say = function () {         console.log("I am a " + this.doors + "-door truck");    };}function run() {     var shop = new Shop();    var carBuilder = new CarBuilder();    var truckBuilder = new TruckBuilder();    var car = shop.construct(carBuilder);    var truck = shop.construct(truckBuilder);    car.say();    truck.say();}

03、Factory Method 

Factory Method 按照客户的指示创建新对象。在 JavaScript 中创建对象的一种方法是使用 new 运算符调用构造函数。 


Factory Method 允许客户端委托对象创建,同时仍然保留对要实例化的类型的控制。


var Factory = function () {     this.createEmployee = function (type) {         var employee;        if (type === "fulltime") {             employee = new FullTime();        } else if (type === "parttime") {             employee = new PartTime();        } else if (type === "temporary") {             employee = new Temporary();        } else if (type === "contractor") {             employee = new Contractor();        }        employee.type = type;        employee.say = function () {             console.log(this.type + ": rate " + this.hourly + "/hour");        }        return employee;    }}var FullTime = function () {     this.hourly = "$12";};var PartTime = function () {     this.hourly = "$11";};var Temporary = function () {     this.hourly = "$10";};var Contractor = function () {     this.hourly = "$15";};function run() {     var employees = [];    var factory = new Factory();    employees.push(factory.createEmployee("fulltime"));    employees.push(factory.createEmployee("parttime"));    employees.push(factory.createEmployee("temporary"));    employees.push(factory.createEmployee("contractor"));    for (var i = 0, len = employees.length; i < len; i++) {         employees[i].say();    }}




// old interfacefunction Shipping() {     this.request = function (zipStart, zipEnd, weight) {         // ...        return "$49.75";    }}// new interfacefunction AdvancedShipping() {     this.login = function (credentials) {  /* ... */ };    this.setStart = function (start) {  /* ... */ };    this.setDestination = function (destination) {  /* ... */ };    this.calculate = function (weight) {  return "$39.50"; };}// adapter interfacefunction ShippingAdapter(credentials) {     var shipping = new AdvancedShipping();    shipping.login(credentials);    return {         request: function (zipStart, zipEnd, weight) {             shipping.setStart(zipStart);            shipping.setDestination(zipEnd);            return shipping.calculate(weight);        }    };}function run() {     var shipping = new Shipping();    var credentials = {  token: "30a8-6ee1" };    var adapter = new ShippingAdapter(credentials);    // original shipping object and interface    var cost = shipping.request("78701", "10010", "2 lbs");    console.log("Old cost: " + cost);    // new shipping object with adapted interface    cost = adapter.request("78701", "10010", "2 lbs");    console.log("New cost: " + cost);}


Decorator模式动态地扩展(装饰)对象的行为。在运行时添加新行为的能力是由 Decorator 对象实现的,它“将自身包装”在原始对象周围。多个装饰器可以向原始对象添加或覆盖功能。


var User = function (name) {     this.name = name;    this.say = function () {         console.log("User: " + this.name);    };}var DecoratedUser = function (user, street, city) {     this.user = user;    this.name = user.name;  // ensures interface stays the same    this.street = street;    this.city = city;    this.say = function () {         console.log("Decorated User: " + this.name + ", " +            this.street + ", " + this.city);    };}function run() {     var user = new User("Kelly");    user.say();    var decorated = new DecoratedUser(user, "Broadway", "New York");    decorated.say();}


Facade 模式提供了一个接口,使客户免受一个或多个子系统中复杂功能的影响。这是一个看似微不足道但功能强大且极其有用的简单模式。它通常出现在围绕多层架构构建的系统中。


var Mortgage = function (name) {     this.name = name;}Mortgage.prototype = {     applyFor: function (amount) {         // access multiple subsystems...        var result = "approved";        if (!new Bank().verify(this.name, amount)) {             result = "denied";        } else if (!new Credit().get(this.name)) {             result = "denied";        } else if (!new Background().check(this.name)) {             result = "denied";        }        return this.name + " has been " + result +            " for a " + amount + " mortgage";    }}var Bank = function () {     this.verify = function (name, amount) {         // complex logic ...        return true;    }}var Credit = function () {     this.get = function (name) {         // complex logic ...        return true;    }}var Background = function () {     this.check = function (name) {         // complex logic ...        return true;    }}function run() {     var mortgage = new Mortgage("Joan Templeton");    var result = mortgage.applyFor("$100,000");    console.log(result);}




function GeoCoder() {     this.getLatLng = function (address) {         if (address === "Amsterdam") {             return "52.3700° N, 4.8900° E";        } else if (address === "London") {             return "51.5171° N, 0.1062° W";        } else if (address === "Paris") {             return "48.8742° N, 2.3470° E";        } else if (address === "Berlin") {             return "52.5233° N, 13.4127° E";        } else {             return "";        }    };}function GeoProxy() {     var geocoder = new GeoCoder();    var geocache = { };    return {         getLatLng: function (address) {             if (!geocache[address]) {                 geocache[address] = geocoder.getLatLng(address);            }            console.log(address + ": " + geocache[address]);            return geocache[address];        },        getCount: function () {             var count = 0;            for (var code in geocache) {  count++; }            return count;        }    };};function run() {     var geo = new GeoProxy();    // geolocation requests    geo.getLatLng("Paris");    geo.getLatLng("London");    geo.getLatLng("London");    geo.getLatLng("London");    geo.getLatLng("London");    geo.getLatLng("Amsterdam");    geo.getLatLng("Amsterdam");    geo.getLatLng("Amsterdam");    geo.getLatLng("Amsterdam");    geo.getLatLng("London");    geo.getLatLng("London");    console.log("\nCache size: " + geo.getCount());}




var Participant = function (name) {     this.name = name;    this.chatroom = null;};Participant.prototype = {     send: function (message, to) {         this.chatroom.send(message, this, to);    },    receive: function (message, from) {         console.log(from.name + " to " + this.name + ": " + message);    }};var Chatroom = function () {     var participants = { };    return {         register: function (participant) {             participants[participant.name] = participant;            participant.chatroom = this;        },        send: function (message, from, to) {             if (to) {                       // single message                to.receive(message, from);            } else {                        // broadcast message                for (key in participants) {                     if (participants[key] !== from) {                         participants[key].receive(message, from);                    }                }            }        }    };};function run() {     var yoko = new Participant("Yoko");    var john = new Participant("John");    var paul = new Participant("Paul");    var ringo = new Participant("Ringo");    var chatroom = new Chatroom();    chatroom.register(yoko);    chatroom.register(john);    chatroom.register(paul);    chatroom.register(ringo);    yoko.send("All you need is love.");    yoko.send("I love you John.");    john.send("Hey, no need to broadcast", yoko);    paul.send("Ha, I heard that!");    ringo.send("Paul, what do you think?", paul);}


Observer模式提供了一种订阅模型,其中对象订阅一个事件并在事件发生时得到通知。这种模式是事件驱动编程的基石,包括 JavaScript。Observer模式促进了良好的面向对象设计并促进了松散耦合。


function Click() {     this.handlers = [];  // observers}Click.prototype = {     subscribe: function (fn) {         this.handlers.push(fn);    },    unsubscribe: function (fn) {         this.handlers = this.handlers.filter(            function (item) {                 if (item !== fn) {                     return item;                }            }        );    },    fire: function (o, thisObj) {         var scope = thisObj || window;        this.handlers.forEach(function (item) {             item.call(scope, o);        });    }}function run() {     var clickHandler = function (item) {         console.log("fired: " + item);    };    var click = new Click();    click.subscribe(clickHandler);    click.fire('event #1');    click.unsubscribe(clickHandler);    click.fire('event #2');    click.subscribe(clickHandler);    click.fire('event #3');}


Visitor模式定义了对对象集合的新操作,而不更改对象本身。新逻辑驻留在一个名为 Visitor 的单独对象中。


var Employee = function (name, salary, vacation) {     var self = this;    this.accept = function (visitor) {         visitor.visit(self);    };    this.getName = function () {         return name;    };    this.getSalary = function () {         return salary;    };    this.setSalary = function (sal) {         salary = sal;    };    this.getVacation = function () {         return vacation;    };    this.setVacation = function (vac) {         vacation = vac;    };};var ExtraSalary = function () {     this.visit = function (emp) {         emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() * 1.1);    };};var ExtraVacation = function () {     this.visit = function (emp) {         emp.setVacation(emp.getVacation() + 2);    };};function run() {     var employees = [        new Employee("John", 10000, 10),        new Employee("Mary", 20000, 21),        new Employee("Boss", 250000, 51)    ];    var visitorSalary = new ExtraSalary();    var visitorVacation = new ExtraVacation();    for (var i = 0, len = employees.length; i < len; i++) {         var emp = employees[i];        emp.accept(visitorSalary);        emp.accept(visitorVacation);        console.log(emp.getName() + ": $" + emp.getSalary() +            " and " + emp.getVacation() + " vacation days");    }}


当我们结束我们的 JavaScript 设计模式之旅时,很明显这些强大的工具在制作可维护、可扩展和高效的代码方面发挥着至关重要的作用。





当您掌握编写优雅、模块化和高效的 JavaScript 代码的艺术时,您会发现您的应用程序变得更加健壮,您的调试过程更易于管理,并且您的整体开发体验更加愉快。

因此,继续探索 JavaScript 设计模式的世界,并希望您的代码更易于维护、可扩展和高效。

责任编辑:华轩 来源: web前端开发 设计模式JavaScript

